Respond to an Assigned Form

Complete assigned forms from Reconnect Community instead of needing a paper form.

Submitting a Form Response

Assigned forms that require a response will display on your Tasks list, and will show the date and time the form is due by. To submit a form response:

  1. Go to the Tasks list in Reconnect Community.
  2. Select the form from your Tasks list.
  3. Respond to the form questions. Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate between pages. The Next button will not be selectable if there is a required field on the page that has not been filled out.
  4. The dark orange bar along the top to the form will show you how far through the form you are.
  5. The last page of the form will have a Finish button in place of the Next button. This will not be selectable if required fields have not been filled out. When you are done with the form, select Finish.
  6. If requested by your case manager, you will be asked to complete a check-in along with your form submission. Follow the steps to take a photo after submitted your form.